Please review our safety guidelines for your next visit:


  • Masks for clients are NOT required at this time. All artists at Sayoki Studio will be wearing masks until further notice.

  • Only the artist, artist’s assistant, and clients with appointments will be allowed in the studio at this time. No additional guests will be able to sit in the waiting area until further notice. Any guests will need to wait outside the studio until the appointment is finished. (This includes partners, children, friends, family, etc.)

  • Any clients that are experiencing any symptoms (fever, coughing, sneezing, shortness of breath, chills, etc.), please stay home and reschedule your appointment.

***Failure to comply will result in cancellation of the appointment. We are taking these precautions very seriously not only for the health and safety of our clients, but our artists as well. 


Extra time in between appointments will always be allotted to disinfect all common surfaces such as counters, doorknobs, chairs, etc. Practicing strict safety and sanitation guidelines have always been our top priority. We will be taking every precaution to make sure the studio is a safe and comfortable place for every client who comes in.